How we learn depends on the individual. If an individual has a mental or physical handicap, we may have to consider different options for teaching these people and helping them to learn.

How we learn also depends on the mental status and diagnose. The information helps to determine what is required to teach the child to learn.

If a person has Multiple Personality Disorders then we are looking at a completely different level of learning. These special gifted individuals were born geniuses that learn according to their own standards. In other words, we are teaching babies, children, teenagers, adults, elderly, boys, girls, men, and women to learn on different levels.
Since, these people all have their own beliefs, thoughts, opinions, behaviors and so forth, we are looking at a deeper degree of learning.

On the other hand, if we are teaching a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), we must consider that the person has auditory problems. The person also suffers defective hearing, hand and eye coordination disabilities and short tension spans.
This calls for a completely new level of learning, but since we are teaching one person, we can consider the handicaps and work accordingly.

Attention, Deficit Hyperactive persons often have difficulty-holding firm to a single task. In other words, the person may start a project and leave it, moving onto a different task. The symptoms force the person to feel bored rather quickly. Therefore, we see that to help this person learn we must reduce the amount of homework and increase the level of thrilling tasks.

Learning the person’s needs can benefit us when we are teaching this type of person. If we know what makes the person happy we can turn homework into a joyful moment and help the child learn effectively.

Since learning disabilities is a varied cluster of disorders that are obvious by the difficulties apparent in the symptoms. We know we are dealing with impaired judgment, faulty reasoning, and inabilities to write. The symptoms affect the child’s ability to spell, listen, hear, read, and handle complex problems.

Since the disorder is linked to learning disabilities. We are looking at long-term learning and teaching strategies to benefit the persons suffering the ability to learn.
Most of the persons with learning disabilities have their own perception of social, their own set of behaviors, and often will associate with others that have disabilities.

We can see that the problem poses a setback in learning strategies, since some of the influences may think negatively and affect the person with learning disabilities. Therefore, we need to teach this person to adhere to positive influences that will help them to learn.
As you can see, a lot of encouragement is required to deal with learning disabilities. Learning disabilities are often misunderstood, since we live in a system that promotes control, power, violence, pornographic materials, and so forth.

The person with learning disabilities then may have something in his or her data bank that we can learn from.

We can also evaluate the person’s ability to perceive. Does this person see a world filled with hate, or does he or she feel that the world is a wonderful place to live? Most likely, the person enduring learning disabilities will see negative in many situations, so therefore, we need to teach these people that there is good in all things.

If this does not make sense, then consider that even bad choices can produce good results. For example, if you make a bad decision, suffer the consequences, then you are learning from your mistakes.

My philosophy of negative thinking is that the person fails to see the positive in negative. For example, a person might repeatedly claim that his or her ability to learn is a failure. This is a mistake and a complete lie, which brings us to denial.

Therefore, we now need to help the person see that his learning disability just may be a gift that can benefit others.

We can help him or her see that bad behaviors are unacceptable and help the person to see that throwing honey on fire can bring forth greater results than throwing fuel to the fire.

Life is too short to take any one thing for granted. If you have a learning disability, you are not a failure; rather you are a genius turned upside down by a negative charge!
