Over the years, you acquire techniques, which help you read fast. The problem is many people fail to see the techniques they learn through reading. Reading builds comprehension, vocabulary, and helps a person to define information. With the basic tools in hand, most people merely need to say, “I am going to speed-read today.” Delaying, is only putting off what you can accomplish today.

Overall, those wishing to speed read start out with low volumes of information. For instance, a person with intentions of acquiring techniques to help them read faster will start with a single chapter daily. Now, some of us can sit down a read a 500-page book in a couple of days, and comprehend what we read, but most of us need to digest information at slower paces to learn how to speed-read.

Most speed-readers develop understanding of what they run by reading often and listening for the messages between the lines. Speed-readers often are flexible, since they realize that accommodations are necessary to plan reading.


While learning to read you must understand the differences in developing skills and learning (Abstract) conceptual subjects. For instance, practice helps us to develop skills, while summaries could provide us an overall view of what we comprehend in reading.


Overall, we must learn how abstract topics and skills differ. We must also practice to develop skills, since it builds comprehension.

Still, practice is required daily to develop skills to read faster. Even if you read a few paragraphs daily, you are working to increase your speed of reading while developing skills. To practice each day you must acquire plans to achieve your goal, i.e. I plan to read a few paragraphs daily to build skills in reading faster.


Daily, I will read a few paragraphs.
I will spend 20 minutes reading daily.
I will read during morning time, since evenings often lead to procrastination.
I will not procrastinate.

Flexible readers often acquire skills to help them read faster. Flexible readers often adapt to materials quite easily, since they accommodate through planning. Flexible readers leave open time to read. Flexible readers often vary their speed or rates while reading. Since the readers realize that reading fast depends on the subject. Readers also consider the conditions of the subject. In addition, readers consider how easy the material is to read before considering rate.

Case in point is that a single reader cannot expect to read a topic revolving around world destruction as quickly as they could read the book “Huckleberry Finn.” Still, you need expectations to read faster.

Knowing what you expect from reading can help you to read faster. When you know what you expect from reading, you will anticipate, as well as look forward to reading the material. When a person enjoys what he or she is doing, often the person can finish a task sooner. Expectations help us to imagine, guess, and demand something from what we want. Thus, a topnotch speed-reader will expect something from self before diving into material. The skills are, acquired through practice.

A good word of advice to those starting in speed-reading is to test their reading abilities while assessing their findings. Now, you can start. Take a few moments to read a few paragraphs. Record your time and comprehension level.


In the world of readers, many struggle to get through material without stopping to consider words. What the reader is doing is hindering self from reading faster, as well as slowing his ability to comprehend what he reads.

Time it took to read the paragraph: _______
What I learnt from the paragraphs: _______


Acquired Techniques
Defining Speed Reading
Discovering Speed Reading
Eye Span Readers
Gaining Speed
Discover Speed Reading Skills
How to Speed Reading